Crosswise Re-Launch: What To Expect

Crosswise Finance
5 min readJul 28, 2022


Dear Crosswise Community,

As we near re-launch, we would again like to express our appreciation for your support, and provide you with an overview of what is to come.

Overall, Crosswise V2 brings with it a significant overhaul and UI upgrade, making it more user-friendly and sleeker than ever! The Biconomy gas API has been fully integrated and ushers in a new era for Crosswise users, with zero gas fees and low transaction finality.

Standard Features on Launch

Quick Swaps

Crosswise DEX features a simple swap function to exchange tokens quickly and efficiently. Our Hybrid Automated Market Maker (AMM) uses automated incentivized liquidity pools, but relies on Chainlink price oracles wherever feasible to ensure accurate market pricing, as well protection from price manipulation.

Our V2 version contains new charts to quickly compare token price in stablecoins like BUSD and USDC.

Staking Pools

Our “Solar Pools” allow you to stake single-asset tokens and be rewarded in $CRSS.

Yield Farms

Liquidity providers receive $CRSS rewards by depositing their LP tokens in our “Space Farms”.

Price Charts and Chainlink Price Oracles

Crosswise offers advanced price charts as well as vital information such as liquidity and market size.

V2 Upgrades

Crosswise brings you upgraded features that set us apart from other AMM-based DEXs.

Personal Account Area

Users have access to the “Moon Station”, a personal account area to personalize their experience. Users can customize their DEX profile by creating a username and opting in to Telegram or Email alerts.

When using the DEX, users may also use this section to adjust settings and preferences, such as default auto-vesting, and auto-compounding.

Gasless Mode

Users use “Zero Gravity” mode to avoid paying network gas fees. Our partnership with Biconomy ensures that most transactions on Crosswise are gasless.

We’ve integrated the Biconomy Gasless API in order to enhance transaction experience by removing gas expenses for DEX users. Gasless enables the Crosswise team to sponsor gas fees for our community.


Our “Cosmic Accumulator” feature allows users to earn 25% additional rewards in $CRSS accumulated from staking pools and yield farms, by vesting rewards over 5 months.


The “Hyper Accelerator”, our native auto-compounding feature that allows you to automatically compound your earnings.

Moonwalker Referral Program

Crosswise introduces a referral program to encourage users to invite others to farm or stake. Users earn 1% of the referred users rewards forever. Read more about the Moonwalker Affiliate Program in our previous article.

Farms & Pools on Relaunch

The first 14 days will focus on building liquidity for our CRSS trading pairs. There will be 4 farms available on relaunch and 1 single-asset staking pool.

Locked farms will have a 6 month deposit lock. In return for locking their LP, users will enjoy a higher APR than in standard farms. We will be monitoring rates closely and if need be making adjustments, so that we land at a minimum difference of +40% APR. The reviews and any adjustments will happen on a weekly basis.

Additional farms & pools will be made available, more announcements will follow to confirm those, along with the rebalancing of their multipliers.

You may also join our Liquidity Partner Program in order to purchase $CRSS tokens at the lowest possible price and contribute towards the DEX’s liquidity while earning additional rewards.

Farms (First 14 days)

  • Locked $CRSS-$BNB [Higher Multiplier]
  • Locked $CRSS-$BUSD [Higher Multiplier]
  • $CRSS-$BNB

Staking Pools (First 14 days)

  • $CRSS Staking Pool

Tentative Timeline

Our re-launch is tentatively set to mid-August, but remains subject to change. We want to let you know more or less when to expect a re-launch, but we are also convinced that getting everything ready and double checked is far more important than rushing to meet a deadline.


Apart from possible technical delays we will also be allowing users time to audit our compensation calculations and their resulting entitlements. If issues arise during the process we will need to take the time to make corrections. Full details will be published soon.

What’s Next

Beyond re-launch, we would already like to share with you a major development that we are very excited about. A next building block for our ecosystem will serve to work towards decentralization, by providing a stakeholder token, sCRSS, that will allow CRSS holders to obtain sCRSS and share in platform fees, as well as enable voting capabilities.

As a special thank you to our early and faithful supporters, we have also decided to show our appreciation to those that continue to demonstrate their support for the project in the months ahead.

The Crosswise DEX V2 trailer is now live and showcases the user experience that we offer with the upgrade on relaunch.

Introducing Crosswise DEX V2 — The Next-Gen Gasless DEX on BNB Chain - Swap, Stake & Earn $CRSS

In the meantime, thank you everyone, for your patience and support.

Team Crosswise

Disclaimer: This content is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be relied upon as legal, business, investment, or tax advice. You should consult your own advisers as to those matters. References to any securities or digital assets are for illustrative purposes only, and do not constitute an investment recommendation or offer to provide investment advisory services. Furthermore, this content is not directed at nor intended for use by any investors or prospective investors, and may not under any circumstances be relied upon when making investment decisions.



Crosswise Finance

Next-gen multi-chain Decentralized Exchange building a seamless DeFi user experience. Crosswise bridges the gap between centralized and decentralized exchanges.